The effective management of plastic waste was considered important, leading to the implementation of a three-year-long project called “From Trash to Cash: Turning Plastic Waste into Economic Opportunity.” The project was initiated by Yola Renewal Foundation (YRF) in partnership with Tearfund and funded by the Norwegian Development Programme (Norad).
Promoting Evidence-Based Prevention Efforts To Reduce Trafficking In Persons Knowledge, Attitudes And Perception (Kap) Endline And Impact Evaluation
Since 2002, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) worked in close partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria to enhance migration management. Through capacity-building, advisory services, and technical assistance, IOM focused on various aspects of migration, including migration health, information dissemination, assisted voluntary returns, and counter-trafficking measures. Collaborative efforts were established with national migration stakeholders to strengthen border management, combat human trafficking, reduce irregular migration, and integrate migration into the country’s development plans.
Comparative Study on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Aid in Nigeria, Assessing Barriers and Enablers to Accessing Services, Humanitarian Assistance, and Community Engagement
In recognising the challenges of disability around the world, Christian Blind Mission (CBM) picked up the cause of ensuring the inclusion of PLWDs in humanitarian efforts. Guided by the principles of humanity, impartiality, “do no harm,” conflict sensitivity, and human rights principles of equity and non-discrimination, CBM is committed to promoting the rights and well-being of PLWDs.
The Resourcing Change Phase II: Supporting Women’s Rights Organisations (WROS) And Women’s Networks In Fragile And Conflict-Affected States (FCAS) March 2023
The initiative is a follow-up to the first Resourcing Change project, funded by Conflict Stability and Security Funds (CSSF) and implemented by a Consortium led by Saferworld, consisting of WILPF and WfWI, from July 2021 – June 2022. The program’s second phase started from November 2022 – 2024, implemented in Nigeria
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Assistant
Crest Research and Development Institute seeks a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Assistant who will support the development of research documents including research proposals, inception reports and evaluation reports and supervise field teams in data collection and the coordination of regional working group coordination meetings.
Procurement, Administration and Logistics (PAL) Assistant
Crest Research and Development Institute seeks a Procurement Administrative and Logistics (PAL) Assistant who will provide relevant program, administrative and logistics support for project activities in line with organizational expectations and guidelines. He/she will also assist and provide administrative and logistics support to program staff in the implementation of CRADI day to day activities. The personnel will ensure office utilities, internal control, visitors/workshops logistics are provided.
Legal Affairs Associate
The Legal Affairs Associate is to play the sole role providing legal leadership across the organisation. The Legal Affairs Associate is expected to provide proactive leadership, in-depth, legal -focused advice as well as implement initiatives and processes in order to set standards and reinforce a culture of integrity, quality, ethical behaviour and responsibility across the organisation.
RFQ: Production of Field Vests – CRC22001
For the conduct of field activities in hard-to-reach terrains, CRADI invites interested and eligible vendors to submit Quotations for the Supply of branded protection gear (Field vests) for its field staff.