Practice Areas

CRADI’s Practice Areas

By combining the intellectual talents of leading and renowned grassroot research and development experts across key practice areas, we are able to address some of Africa’s most complex social challenges. We lead projects on behalf of a range of clients that include government agencies, academia, foundations, global NGOs, and commercial companies. Across these areas of practice, we deliver comprehensive services and capabilities in support of the missions and goals of our clients.

We seek to strengthen humanitarian and development institutions to provide sustainable solutions in communities by research and project management solutions and building staff capacity for implementation. Through our work, we intend to bridge the gap in institutional learning and monitoring and evaluation strategies as employed by fellow non-profit organizations, government agencies and corporate organizations. Creating a reliable accountability framework.



Learning from Research, Monitoring, Evaluations, Assessments and Analysis…



Adapting research Learnings to programs, Building Community Resilience to Conflict…



Collaboration and Coordination…



Building capacity and strengthening systems …

By combining the intellectual talents of leading and renowned grassroot research and development experts across key practice areas, we are able to address some of Africa’s most complex social challenges. We lead projects on behalf of a range of clients that include government agencies, academia, foundations, global NGOs, and commercial companies. Across these areas of practice, we deliver comprehensive services and capabilities in support of the missions and goals of our clients.

We seek to strengthen humanitarian and development institutions to provide sustainable solutions in communities by research and project management solutions and building staff capacity for implementation. Through our work, we intend to bridge the gap in institutional learning and monitoring and evaluation strategies as employed by fellow non-profit organizations, government agencies and corporate organizations. Creating a reliable accountability framework.


Learning from Research, Monitoring, Evaluations, Assessments and Analysis...

RESEARCH; Learning from Research

We aim to go beyond program monitoring and evaluation (M&E) by doing quantitative and qualitative research to cover evidence gaps. We ensure that progress toward program objectives is directed by
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Adapting research Learnings to programs, Building Community Resilience to Conflict...

Adapting Research Learnings To Programs

Providing solutions to sustainable grassroots development through interventions. Our development aid experts design and implement programs in a variety of areas to assist local communities in
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Collaboration and Coordination...

PARTNERSHIP- Collaboration & Coordination

CRADI works to ensure collaboration between and amongst the different development partners working in Africa and Nigeria more specifically to ensure effective and efficient interventions at the grassroots.
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Building capacity and strengthening systems ...

Building capacity and strengthening systems

Our team is collaborating with both National and International institutions to offer certificate courses and training. We use evidence-based approaches to strengthen education policy, management,
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