SfCG Nigeria is implementing a 36-month project with an overall goal to empower actors to prevent and address conflicts along religious lines and advance FoRB in Nigeria. The program employs a national scope of implementation that engages key actors at the National level and across the 6 geopolitical regions of Nigeria.
Addressing Vulnerabilities Of Conflict-Affected Girls And Boys U5 AND PLW/GS In Borno State, Nigeria (Nutrition, Child Protection), Save The Children (SC)
In response to the protracted conflict that continued to impact boys, girls, women and men in Northeast Nigeria and building on the premise of different studies and assessments of the aftermath. Save the Children initiated a gender-responsive nutrition (integrated with WASH) and protection project to reduce suffering, increase and maintain human dignity, and save lives among girls, boys U5 and PWL/Gs in Jere, Konduga and Mafa LGAs in Borno State.
Strengthening Social Mobilization And Accountability Towards Ending SGBV and VAWG
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) affects individuals of all ages, genders, abilities, races, and cultures. Research indicates that women and girls are disproportionately targeted in various forms of sexual violence. Despite the prevalence of these crimes, the societal stigma surrounding sexual violence leads to silence, insufficient resources, and a lack of coordinated efforts to prevent such acts and hold perpetrators accountable.
Comparative Study on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Aid in Nigeria, Assessing Barriers and Enablers to Accessing Services, Humanitarian Assistance, and Community Engagement
In recognising the challenges of disability around the world, Christian Blind Mission (CBM) picked up the cause of ensuring the inclusion of PLWDs in humanitarian efforts. Guided by the principles of humanity, impartiality, “do no harm,” conflict sensitivity, and human rights principles of equity and non-discrimination, CBM is committed to promoting the rights and well-being of PLWDs.