About Us

Crest Research and Development Institute

Who we are and what we do

Crest Research and Development Institute (CRADI) LTD/GTE seeks to advance humanity through research, sustainable development, and learning. We are an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition through evidence-based research and developmental aid. We use a multidisciplinary, community-friendly, and ethic-driven approach to support independent, high-quality research with an impact on business development, the public sector, and civil society.

Our work, which is based on evidence-based data, equips organizations with information to positively influence decision-making systems for improved program quality and sustainability by aligning with their goals and objectives in ways that make the most effective use of available resources while avoiding conflict. With a mix of innovation, integrity and involvement, our research offers the individuals and organizations we serve a holistic picture that equips them for setting objectives, designing, and implementing activities that are result oriented and eventually achieving their set objectives in an effective and efficient manner. By offering a variety of innovative solutions for long-term results, we help our partners improve the impact and efficiency of their social activities. This is because we recognize that development is a multi-faceted process involving the dedicated efforts of a wide range of actors—individuals and corporations—from a variety of areas, including but not limited to governments, non-governmental organizations, corporations, and communities.

The institute is in the fields of socio-political, economic, and humanitarian research; media audience measurements and surveys; opinion polls; monitoring, evaluation, and learning; Programme development informed by the outcomes of research; and human capital development. The institute also partners with appropriate research, technology, development, communications, and governance institutions. Team members include people drawn from the academia, Civil society, public and private sectors, as well as practitioners in various fields of endeavor who are concerned about the socio-political and economic problems of Africa.

Core Values


We are champions of participatory approaches to problem-solving. We view our clients as partners with whom we solve social problems with participation from the affected communities. We build productive and strong relationships with clients and with each other, embracing diverse identities and viewpoints.


We conduct ourselves in accordance with the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics. We are transparent, honest, and ethical in all our interactions with employees and partners.


We always deliver what we promise and add value that goes beyond our client’s expectations. We are alert to changes in our areas of operations and continuously expanding our knowledge to develop creative solutions to help our partners solve emerging problems in ways that have lasting impacts on the lives of their beneficiaries.

We pioneer participatory approaches wherever we can. We involve and consult relevant stakeholders either in-person or remotely to promote sustainable solutions that are owned by the people they affect.

We gender mainstream everything we do to see that all voices are heard and leverage the potential of both women and men

We strive to Do-No-Harm and always practice conflict Sensitivity to make sure that our interventions count towards peace

Where we are and Where we have worked.

Our research institute has operations in three areas of Nigeria. Our headquarters in Jos and regional offices in Abuja, Borno, Adamawa and Yobe reflect our roots in the region’s top institutions. CRADI is an amazing partner for clients around the world whose most pressing difficulties necessitate rigorous methods and science-based solutions because of our commitment to innovative, objective research and technical services.

Over the past years, we have conducted studies and implemented projects across over 30 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in 19 States of Nigeria.

North East Peace and Security Network

What is the PSN?

The Northeast Peace and Security Network (NE-PSN) is a network of organisations working on conflict mitigation, peacebuilding, security, and governance related interventions in the North East, under the umbrella of the Nigeria Peace and Security Network (PSN).
The network is member-driven and is currently chaired by Crest Research and Development Institute (CRADI).

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